Social Media tips for Travel Agents with Brianna Glenn from Milk and Honey Travels

In this episode, we’re talking social media with Brianna Glenn

Brianna is, so far, the only travel agent that I refer people to to see an example of a really well done feed. And she’s sharing her secrets with us in this episode. (They’re not really secrets. She’s super generous and shares tons of helpful information with travel agents all the time.

What we’re talking about today is how make sure people understand that you are a travel agent, and that you can help them plan amazing vacations, while still creating interesting and engaging content. This has to help us grow our businesses! But we don’t want to be pushy, or salesy. No one will follow you for that kind of content.

You’ll find links to everything mentioned below the podcast.

Here are the links to the resources mentioned in this episode:

And finally – don’t forget to pick your niche! 
You really should have this nailed down before you start any sort of social media plan. If you don’t know WHO you want to help, and WHAT you’re helping them with, you can’t possibly know what to say to them online. 

You can listen to my podcast episode about it, and download the free workbook here:

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TRANSCRIPT (coming soon)

(please note that this is a transcript, not a written blog post, or article. It’s pretty much word for word what was said on the podcast, which is just me talking to you, my friends, so will sound different than something I wrote.)